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Friday, July 8, 2011


With all that is going on in my life (ok, just the pregnancy, but it feels like a lot), my normal over-analytical self has been kicked into overdrive.  I have a truckload of emotions and they crowd in on each other.  My prayer right now is that God would grant me wisdom on how to balance these thoughts and feelings and when to express them (or not).

I'm dealing with a profound mixture of:
  • sickness,
  • thankfulness,
  • exhaustion,
  • excitement,
  • anxiousness, &
  • peace.  
I was boo-hoo-ing all of this confusion to my sweet mom, and she brought up the clip in Disney's "Tangled" (if you knew my parents, you'd know that this has swiftly become one of their favorite movies) where Rapunzel is SO conflicted from one moment to the next.  It made me laugh, because the extremity matches exactly how I've been feeling (minus the whole mother-daughter issue).

Please, watch and laugh at my expense!


  1. hahahahaha!! I love it!!!!! Your mom sounds like fun! :)

  2. So funny! Haven't we all be there? :) Hormones do crazy things and all of your feelings are totally normal. I think the first trimester is, in some ways, the hardest because you're dealing with everything you listed and trying to balance all the other demands of life. God is not too big to take all of those and wrap you up in His big arms of peace and love. Pretty soon you'll balance out (and start to show) and can have fun being pregnant. :)

    Have a great weekend little mama-to-be!

  3. This is so perfect, I am sure we can ALL relate to a time, probably many times in our life when we have felt this way! It is one of my favorite movies too! haha love your parents :) and love you! You are sweet!


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