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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

31 days: One or the Other

It's Day 3 of 31 Days of Submission.

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Do everything without complaining and arguing.
Billy walks in the door, and it's been a long day.
I'm pretty sure I smell funky mixes of spit up and drool and black beans and yogurt.
My eyes have a funny ache behind them that reminds me of how tired I am.
My big toe is sticking to the floor when I walk, and I'm not sure why it happened or when I'll get around to cleaning it off.

However, all day, I've chosen to be thankful.  I've looked into my baby's eyes and thought, This is just glorious work I'm doing.

But I'm still at the end of my rope, and my husband (poor, poor husband) only has to breathe the wrong way, and I'm just done.

I consider myself fairly peaceful... a people-pleaser too often.
Give me a long day of being pulled on, overflowed, and dried up, and I can show you one very argumentative momma.

It's either one or the other.
I'm looking to get them both right... Thankfulness in my heart and peace in my communication...
Even when my sticky toe stubs itself onto the hammer I didn't know was there.

No complaining and no arguing.
Strait-forward, easy, and not-so-much.
Eventually, though, it's a much lighter burden to bear when they're both under wraps.