*****I HAVE MOVED!*****
*****Find me here: sarahannrogers.com*****

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Friday, August 6, 2010


Do you want to know how something this small can make a huge difference at a time like this?

Well, when your husband does this, how can it not?

Even though we have had a crazy week (see Tuesday's post), God has provided in big and little ways.  Sometimes it just takes a Q-tip to get you through the day.  And, oddly enough, it has.

Thank you for your prayers.  We are picking up a key for a new place today.  It's been a whirlwind, but like Cait commented,  it's truly a blessing in disguise.


  1. Awww... that is so adorable.... and you are absolutely right.... things will eventually come back to normal.. all the best...


  2. How wonderful! Sounds like you've got a keeper there :-). I'm so glad to hear that everything is working out, and that you found a new place. Happy Moving!

  3. AAWWWWW!!! That's so sweet! You've married a good man.;)

  4. what a wonderful husband you have!!! So glad to hear everything worked out for you guys - I've been praying!! :) Have a marvelous move-in!

  5. what a sweet guy!
    good luck w/ the move : )

  6. So sweet! and so glad you have a place to go.. God provides :)

  7. That is so thoughtful! It shows what a good team you two are. God definitely has you together for a reason!

  8. How incredibly sweet!! It's always the simple things, isn't it? So glad God has answered prayers! Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Your husband is too sweet. So glad to hear you're getting the keys! God is good!

  10. So cute! I'm gonna steal this idea and leave a secret little message for my hubbs tomorrow morning!

  11. Awe. I hope everything has worked out for you guys. I was out of town last week so I missed all of your posts. I'm sure God has come through for you though. He's never too late!

  12. how sweet! i love simple acts that make you feel so loved.

  13. I just read this and thought you were moving AGAIN! aaah. Then I looked at the date, and it all made much more sense. So glad the new place is wonderful and worth keeping!! :)

  14. Ahh I love it! :) Very sweet!


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