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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Oh, Lady!

One of my friends, Baillie, always says "Oh my Lady!" in place of "Oh my gosh/goodness/etc."

Well, today, I feel like saying, "Oh my Lady..."  literally.

Sometimes, being a lady is a hard thing.  Don't get me wrong, I adore womanhood, but sometimes, I just get tired.  I get tired of makeup, of hair (and I have lots and lots of it!), and of that monthly reminder that I'm going to act over the top, cry at a commercial, cry when I'm making dinner, and, well, cry when I get caught at a red light.

Sometimes, I feel like nobody understands.  Sometimes, I feel out of control.

Until I get a dozen roses.  Or, until I can connect and empathize with somebody emotionally.  Or, when I meet with a friend for coffee and find a great level of camaraderie.

Or, until I see this commercial...

Thank goodness we're not alone.


  1. oh my goodness that made me laugh so hard!!! Or should I say "oh my lady..." :P

  2. haha, that was lovely.

  3. Lol that was hilarious! Thanks I needed that!

  4. hahahaha....the first part made me wonder why you were sharing this, but then it ALL made sense!!! :) love it!

  5. hahahaha....the first part made me wonder why you were sharing this, but then it ALL made sense!!! :) love it!

  6. LOL... that was hilarious

  7. That is HILARIOUS! Made me laugh out loud!! :) Her face is priceless.


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