I’m Leslie Buhler, a media artist inspired by God’s glorious creation and the beautiful people I share it with. I am 22 years old and I’m pursuing a dream that the Lord ingrained in my life at the age of 14. My first record of this dream reads “Europe has captured my heart”. I wrote this phrase on the opening page of my childhood scrapbook filled with European memories. I didn’t fully comprehend this heart cry yet, but with time it grew in clarity.A whisper of a dream made real by God's heartbeat.
Years later, my love for Europe led me to a semester of studying abroad in Italy. While there, my heartbeat grew louder and more defined - Love for the people. Love for the culture. I knew that my life was somehow supposed to be in Europe, but How? When? Why? Through experience, relationships and countless traveling mercies, my heart became attune to the Lord’s lead in Europe’s spiritually treacherous territory.
“Today, more than 800 European people groups found all over the world are considered unreached (less than 2 percent of a people group population is evangelical Christian), and nearly 515 of these people groups are also unengaged (no church-planting methodology consistent with evangelical faith present among the people group)” IMB. As my heart became broken by this fact, God picked up the pieces. He redefined my heartbeat for sharing the gospel and the love of Christ with Europeans. For further reflections on God’s leading check out this previous post.
Currently, I am based in Charleston, SC working and raising support & prayer partners for ministry. In February 2012 I was appointed to serve with GemStone Media (the media branch of Greater Europe Mission). At GemStone Media I will be creating effective web, video and print communication tools that have eternal value – reflecting the love of Jesus. By April 2013 I aim to be fully funded, and by August 2013 I hope to make the big move to Germany. Taken from Leslie's website.
You can play a part.
To pay for some one-time expenses she will have during her missionary journey, Leslie is selling gorgeous prints from her European travels. The goal is to get 2000 people to buy prints for $25 - this includes shipping, handling, it all.
Please, please, please, friends. I don't often share things like this, but I believe so much that you should have a part in this story.
I think I'm going to buy this one (it's so hard to decide)...

To support Leslie's journey by purchasing a print, go to her Etsy shop:
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