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Thursday, April 15, 2010


Pray this way for kings and all others who are in authority, so that we can live in peace and quietness, in godliness and dignity. (1 Timothy 2:2)
I do not usually have a problem with authority.  I love following rules, and I really like doing the right thing.  However, I do not always agree with politics, politicians, or our country's leaders.  I have very strong opinions on some ethical issues, and I vote a certain way.  And sometimes, I don't get my way, or even what I feel is the right/ethical way.  This verse tells me, though, to pray for my leaders - even the ones that I don't agree with.
As I read this verse this morning, these people (below) came to mind.  They picket all around America, and claim that God has commissioned them.  Recently, they came to Charleston and picketed here.  They quote the Bible completely out of context:

And they involve their children!  Which makes me really angry.
Anyway, I don't agree with this at all, and this verse shows that God doesn't either.  I'm frustrated that these people are representing (or claim to be) God and his attitude toward our country.  He is just, and that is why he sent his son.  He also says that vengeance is his (Deuteronomy 32:25), which means that even if we don't agree, he is the one that will repay people.  
God calls for prayer, so that we can live in peace and dignity.  I'm thinking that this doesn't qualify.  I don't mean to bash any people, and maybe they have some good motives, but this is not God.  This is not what the Bible says to do, even in the face of injustice.  This is not my peaceful, loving, caring, forgiving, graceful Jesus.  He does not command this.

Anyway, thanks for listening to my rant.  I have so much more to say about this, but I should stop.  I don't get angry over much, but it is not fair or right to have God represented this way.  And, it's just really unpatriotic.  I may not agree with every President.  I may even really dislike someone's stand.  And that's why I vote.  And why I pray.

PS - I'm posting a picture of my new hair tomorrow!  Get excited!

PPS - Today, Starbucks is giving away a free coffee if you bring in your own travel mug.  So for all of you budgeting coffee lovers (like myself), go for it!  


  1. I get so frustrated with people like that. They make *real* Christians look bad. I just have to remind myself to pray for them, and especially pray for their children....

  2. I first heard about this group when they protested the girl that was brutally murdered at Auburn's funeral because she was Jewish. My dad said if he was her father he would have probably brought a gun. These people just make me sick because they prey on people at their absolute weakest time.

  3. Oh my goodness...those pictures...just make my stomach turn. How wretched and sad. :( So, so so sad...are they part of a group?

  4. That group seriously hurt me... and many other military families... see what extremely terrible things they did to a Marine Corps father/family here:


    Technically they aren't even a "church" it is just one family. How brainwashed are they? It is so sad, especially for the children. It seriously brings me to tears...

  5. This sickens me too! Just horrible!!

  6. This is so sad. I've seen a similar story on cnn (maybe it's the same folk?) and it breaks my heart. Unfortunately these are the only "Christians" some people will see and it will turn them off. How sad that instead of winning people over to Christ with love and grace, they drive them further away with their hatred. I'll be praying for them...

  7. Well said! Amen sista! :)

  8. This is makes my heart hurt so badly. That is not my Jesus that they represent, not my Jesus at all.

    (and just sent you an email AND you know Lauren!!! we are adopting from the same agency)

  9. What are these people thinking?

  10. Certainly a topic worth ranting about!

  11. sad and pathetic. it hurts my heart to see small children involved in this negativity when they're so young and innocent. thanks for sharing your feelings on the subject and I totally agree!

  12. Yikes... it is sad to see this, and as everyone else has said- it makes all Christians look bad. It isn't biblical, it isn't even logical... God is LOVE, what part of that can they possible see hate in?! These are "Christians" who pick and choose which part of the bible they want to see to benefit themselves, not God and not our country. It's really disgusting that they can stand there and smile holding these signs with their children!

  13. People can be so frustrating at times!!! I dislike it!!!

    Yay for your new hair I hope you love it and I can't wait to see it!

  14. People like that disgust me. And that they'd involve their children...absolutely wrong.

  15. That kind of thing makes me want to cry. It breaks my heart, because the world gets a wrong image of Christianity from groups like that.

  16. I certainly agree with you. It's hard to not get wound up and upset about politics!

    You're so right when you said, "That's why I vote. And why I pray." We need to remember to do our part take things to HIM...He's in control.

    Thanks for another great post!

  17. These people make me so angry...

  18. I agree whole heartedly! Thanks for shedding like on this issue!

    God can change hearts. Pray for those who are in office, even if you didn't vote for them!

    Excited to see your hair!

  19. so sad. heartbreaking, really.

  20. I agree fully with this post. It's really upsetting to see how some people can twist His words, and how their children will be affected, especially growing up in a household that condemns its country!

  21. Ugh. I definitely agree with you. I live about an hour from the Westboro Baptist church and Fred Phelps. It makes me so sick to see pictures and hear about this kind of stuff. I'm like you... I don't have a problem with authority and I follow the rules. But this is one thing I just can't agree with.

  22. RIDICULOUS! Thank you for this though. It is worth addressing, and it is terrible. :P


  23. so glad you brought attention to this. when i heard they were in the area my blood began to boil. i can't stand when the Truth is misrepresented. ugh.

    on a happy note, i can't wait to see your hairdo.

    oh, and i'm adding a buttons page to my blog (soon!) and can't wait to add yours.

  24. Wow, I've never seen this before! I'm glad it hasn't made it to where I am--how discouraging!

    However, I'm ready to see your hair!

  25. I agree, I don't like the current trend but I can peacefully do something about it by voting! I can't wait to see your hair and I totally had a dream about the free coffee today that I had to tell my husband...and I didn't, and I really did forget to tell him...my dreams are just stressful versions of reality :/

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I have been wanting to post about this lately - I'm from the area where these people originated from and it makes me so sad to seem them going around all over the country. My mom called me earlier this week and said my brother's high school in Colorado sent a note home to inform parents that the high school was on their "schedule" for next month. Seriously, what right do they have going to high schools (or ANYWHERE!) - the information on their site about the high school is absolutely ridiculous too. We just continue to pray and pray and pray and hope that someday we'll see an end to all of their untruths!
    Thanks for posting about this!

  28. Um... so I am MORTIFIED to admit those DISGUSTING people are from my home town (GASP)! They picket here pretty much weekly, unless they are off chasing other stories, which they obviously graced your home town, UGH! Its sickening to see the Bible, and God for that matter, taken out of context and character, SICK! Every time we see them picketing, my 7 yr old asks me 'Mom, are those the bad people?' or she will ask me what some of their signs mean. You have no idea who disturbing it is to try to explain to your child that these people are sick and need us to pray for me, makes my skin crawl! Thanks for blogging about this!

    Anyway, enough of my rant ;) LOVE your blog, new follower!

    Hope you have a wonderful Friday!!

  29. My heart breaks when I see things like this. At my University a group of people came and were saying those things. It was hard for me because all the work that God had been doing on that school was put on the back burner as these people shouted lies. I desperately wanted to cover everyone's ears as they passed them on their way to class and whisper true words of God's love. These people may be spreading lies, but God has instilled in us to spread the truth.

  30. wow is about all I can say. So sad. Hopefully God will put some people in their paths that will love them like crazy and look past the evil they're stirring. Thankfully we do worship a just God like you said. Amazing.

  31. Uggh, I agree. I can't stand when people use God as an excuse. Own up. God gave you the ability to make your own decisions. I have to say I love how that woman looks like she's just holding a free carwash sign. Big smiles kids!


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