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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I Pledge Allegiance...

Oh, how I love being home in America.   Though I've always had a special place in my heart for Mexico, there is something amazing about coming back to this country, and things I take advantage of usually become blessings:

1. Clean Water.  I can sing in the shower as much as I want and not worry.  I can stick my toothbrush under the faucet and not freak out afterwards.  I can wash my veggies in my kitchen sink.  All of these things were not allowed for us in Mexico.  Their water is different than ours, and, well, makes you sick.
disclaimer: this is not me
2. Government.  Alright, so there are a lot of things I don't agree with in our politics.  However, the poor in Mexico are really destitute.  They make our poverty line look like gold.  I'm thankful for the standard of living here.

3. Toilets. If you've ever been in Mexico (and I don't mean at a resort), then you know you can't flush the toilet paper.  Their system is not strong enough to handle it.  So, right beside you there is a trash can, for, well, the soiled stuff.  It makes for an interesting smell in even the nicest restrooms.
This is so not how the toilets look in Mexico, but it is very Mexican!

4. Grass. In many parts of Mexico, there is vegetation.  However, that is not the norm. Many times you will see people watering their yards of dirt, which looks a bit ridiculous because you know nothing is going to grow there. That is until you realize they're just trying to keep the dirt and dust on the ground instead of getting picked up by the wind.  Needless to say, greenery is much prettier.  I realize that you all in Arizona and lower Texas may not feel included, and I am sorry.  But I love my Carolina greenery.

These may be silly, but oh so true.  God bless America.  I love my home.


  1. Oh I agree!!! Love that shower picture!!! Lol! So glad you're back and that you were able to spread Jesus' love!

  2. It's so true! We don't really realize what we have until we see what others do not. Thanks for this great reminder...I'm so glad to live in America! :-)

    Have a lovely day, hun!

  3. Yes indeed. The little things can seem like big things when they are taken away. The toilets were the same in Greece. I will say no more. Welcome back from a girl in Arizona who does have a snippet of grass in her yard but is a bit envious of your lovely greenery.

  4. Beautiful post Sarah.... What you say is true... sometimes in a new territory you find better things that you will come to love and appreciate.. no matter what! I am experiencing the very same thing here in Delhi

  5. I am so with you on all of those!! :) Mexico was great, but there is definitely something extra special about the US! And it definitely makes you realize how many blessings we're surrounded with here that usually just look, well, usual.

  6. Glad to have you back! I know exactly what you mean! I did mission work in Jamaica and in Africa last year and things like hot water and a roof over our head weren't available to us. It's always nice to come home and realize these things =)

  7. It's amazing how much we take those things for granted each day. Thank you for reminding us to enjoy them!

  8. It's not silly it's amazing. We really do forget how much we have!! Thanks for posting this!

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

  9. It's so funny - after the first time I traveled to Mexico for mission work, my list was exactly the same!!

  10. Great post, btw your blogs adorable!

  11. The shower pic totally makes me think of SATC when Charlotte opens her mouth in the shower and gets sick :)

  12. Well, you really brought back memories of being in Guatemala. I remember not even being able to eat the lettuce there because of the water content in the vegetable...oh, and going to the bathroom in a hole in the ground with a curtain draped in front! Unforgettable!

  13. oh how very true! such blessings indeed! may we always be thankful and quick to remember them!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. It's funny how for granted we take things like disposable toilet paper! But, seriously, how right you are!

  16. great post! it really makes us think about what we take for granted everyday

  17. Amen to all of this! I remember when I went to Mexico and couldn't drink the water...I really believe us Americans take for granted the most simple things. This was a wonderful post!

  18. I am so thankful for this country. GOD BLESS AMERICA! :)

    thanks to all the soldiers that protect us, and our freedom. so we can have that clean water.


  19. wow...so true. we are beyond blessed in this country.

    and by the way...love the disclaimer about the pic. my hubby is sitting next to me and he said, "is that her?!" haha!

  20. Very thankful we live here! I have been to mexico. The parts we used to stay didn't even have toilets. They had Out houses. I was young then. I was afraid of falling in that deep deep hole!

    So God bless America!!!



  21. The last missions trip I went on was to Guatemala and I can definitely say AMEN! to this post!! In Mexico, do they have the shower heads that heat the water in the head, so that if you touch it, you get shocked? Those things scared the mess out of me in Guate! Not to mention the water barely trickles out if you have it on warm, so you're better off showering cold!


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